Have a Personal Injury Case? Here Are 4 Possible Outcomes to Expect

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Have you been involved in an accident resulting from someone else's negligence? If so, you are probably feeling frustrated and wondering about the next step to take. The best way to handle the situation is by presenting the case in court since you are eligible for compensation.

But you will need the assistance of a personal injury lawyer since they are well-versed and experienced in handling these cases. The outcomes of personal injury lawsuits vary depending on the length of treatment, liability issues, insurance company responses and amount of evidence. Here are the possible outcomes: 

The Case Is Dropped or Dismissed

The court can drop or dismiss your lawsuit, in which case you will not get any compensation. Usually, this occurs when the evidence you provide in court is too frail to bring any success. It could be a possible scenario when you present the case independently without the guidance of a lawyer. The other reason the court can dismiss your case is when the defendant shows a flaw in the claim that you have made.

Settling Before Going to Trial

Some personal accident cases get solved during the pre-trial settlement and don't need to go to trial. This option is an excellent way to evade lengthy court processes. However, the compensation you will get in this option might be lower than what you would get if you proceeded to trial. The only good thing about settling the case out of court is that you are sure to get the compensation. When the trial goes to court, it is left at the mercies of the judge.

Winning the Case in Trial

If you choose to proceed to court, there is a chance that the court might find the defendant liable. If so, they will pay for your injuries and the other expenses and damages you have incurred, depending on what the judge finds to be fair. Even so, you might not get the amount you asked for in your initial claim.

You Lose the Case

Losing a personal injury case happens when the judge rules in favour of the defendant. If that happens, you will not get any compensation. You might need to pay the defendant some money if the judge deems it right. Luckily, you will not have to pay your solicitor if they work on a contingency basis. In case you feel the rulings were unfair, you have a right to appeal.

Personal injury cases are complex, and there is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done. That is why you need to hire a solicitor to assist you. The lawyer will gather reliable evidence and witnesses to give you the highest chance at winning and getting favourable compensation. 

Contact a lawyer in your area to learn more.
